An agreement with Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka”. For the next two years, we will advise LWB on how to prepare for the environmental impact assessment procedure, as well as support in the receipt of documents and participate in meetings with administrative authorities and other project stakeholders. The project will be carried out by our experts with many years of experience in the field: hydrogeology and geology, naturalists, specialists in water bodies and spatial analysis, and others. “We have a challenging task ahead of us,” says Przemek Żydak. – This is a project that involves mining coal in an existing mine. And coal, as we know, is on the censor today. Except that LWB has non-methane deposits, which are a strategic reserve until other sources of energy generation from RES or nuclear are built. This is an advantage of “Bogdanka” over other Polish coal mines. However, we realize that we have a lot of effort ahead of us, really a lot of work and a lot of discussions, carried out together with the investor, so that the preparations on the project meet modern standards in environmental protection.”
photo: LW Bogdanka/View of the shaft tower at Bogdanka