The future of nuclear power, the way forward for electricity and heat generation using nuclear reactions – in the latest article in our #AtomInAction series, which we write together with energy experts Deloitte.
In the article about SMRs and Generation IV reactors, the thorium cycle and nuclear fusion.
“Generation II and III/III+ reactors are the nuclear reactors currently in operation and under construction. In contrast, the new generation is referred to as Generation IV reactors. These types of reactors are intended to be sustainable energy systems that will provide energy at competitive prices, with optimal use of raw materials, with a high level of safety, reliability and nuclear proliferation resistance,” – writes Dr Przemysław Żydak, board member/co-owner of Sotis Advisors.
The Generation IV International Forum has selected six of the most promising technologies for further development: gas-cooled fast reactor, high-temperature supercritical water reactor , sodium-cooled fast reactor, lead-cooled fast reactor, molten salt reactor.
The full article is available on the Deloitte website.
Read also:
#AtomInAction, this time about small modular reactors
#AtomInAction, this time about nuclear regulations
#AtomInAction, about the costs of implementing nuclear energy
#AtomInAction – we write for Deloitte