The National Centre for Radiation Protection in Health Care is organising a symposium on ‘Radiation Safety in Nuclear Power’ in Łódź. And we will be there. We will be speaking!
The one-day symposium popularising knowledge about nuclear power and radiation safety will be held on 29 November 2023 at the Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, University of Łódź. Dr Przemysław Żydak will give a lecture on ‘Nuclear power – from Żarnowiec to SMRs’.
In addition to our paper, symposium participants will be able to listen to lectures prepared by specialists from the State Atomic Energy Agency, the University of Łódź, the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology: on the future of nuclear power, emissions of radioactive substances during operation of nuclear power plants, health effects of absorbing low (small) doses of ionising radiation.
The presentations will be of a scientific and educational nature and have been prepared for an audience interested in the prospects for nuclear power development in Poland. The organisers invite lecturers, students, academics, teachers, secondary school seniors and all those interested in the topics discussed. The event is open, admission is free.