Sotis Advisors, together with PwC Czech Republic will jointly analyse documentation for the project of expanding the railway connection from the city of Prague to the Prague Ruzyne airport. Anita, as an international environmental expert, will check whether the project, which is the first railway project in the Czech Republic implemented in the public-private partnership formula, meets the requirements of EBRD. The whole project includes the extension of the existing Prague-Kladno railway line to double-track, its electrification and the construction of a new connection to the airport. “There is an ambitious task ahead of us,” says Anita. Within a few weeks, we have to check all the existing project documents, verify their compliance with the requirements of the EBRD policy, international legal standards, develop corrective recommendations and guidance for contract specifications in order to select the contractor. We work in close cooperation with Czech Railways, which has not yet implemented any PPP or EBRD project, so access to data and documents is not easy. We plan to conduct site inspection, training and interviews. We don’t have much time, so the work is intense. Our PPP project experience with the construction of tram to Mistrzejowice in Kraków, which we completed last year also in cooperation with the EBRD, will come in handy”.
photo: Spravazeleznic.cz