
Target: offshore wind farms

Before wind farms can appear by the sea, the documentation required by the investment banks has to be prepared. And that is when we, Sotis Advisors, step in!

We are still working on the development of banking documents for offshore wind farms. We have already prepared the LRF for the offshore part, the LRP for the onshore part, the SEP, and we are currently working on the ESMMP and the CHMP. Before that, we had to carry out socio-economic studies, including an analysis on the Kashubians, i.e. verifying their qualification as an indigenous population as required by the investment banks.

Thanks to this analysis, our client was able to close the gap reported in the ESAP, which was prepared for the investor by a different team of consultants. We prepare all documentation based on IFC, EIB, EBRD and Equator Principles standards. The Sotis team are: Frederic Giovannetti, Katarzyna Auffret-Twardowska, Klaudia Drosio and Anita Kuliś.First the work, then the…

First the work and then…

In late April and early May, we participated in meetings with fishermen and tourism operators arranged by Baltic Power, after which we went into the field to conduct surveys.

This time the Sotis Advisors team participated in meetings with fishermen and tourism operators arranged by Baltic Power. In Ustka, Elbe and Władysławowo we were represented by: Klaudia Drosio, Katarzyna Auffret-Twardowska, Joanna Lemiesz, Michalina Nowakowska, Magdalena Lewandowska and Anita Kuliś. It was intense and inspiring. After the talks, the team went into the field to conduct surveys for the LRP, a document prepared in accordance with the requirements of international financial institutions. They are a dream team who, when they need to, work hard and, when they can, enjoy good food and each other’s company. As usual in our projects!

We support foreign investors

It’s difficult for a foreign investor to find his way in a foreign land, even if he has the support of major consulting firms. And that’s when we come on the scene! Sotis Advisors, or rather – in this case – Przemysław Żydak.

We are providing one such company with substantive and organizational support in developing a decarbonization strategy for a major chemical manufacturer. Przemek will work with an international team of advisors and with the client, helping to understand our domestic realities. This project will not be easy. However, we know that thanks to Przemek we are up to the challenge, even in the case of decarbonization – we will not be surprised by any CO2 equivalents.

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