
Maciej… nuclear lawyer

What news! Maciej Lemiesz, our colleague, has just been accepted into the international association of nuclear lawyers – INLA. We are proud!

We are proud and we are happy as …. like… like… eh, we are very happy. Maciej Lemiesz, our Maciej Lemiesz, has just been admitted to the International Association of Atomic Lawyers. Prestigious and with tradition!

INLA was established in the early 1970s. A few nuclear law specialists and experts came up with the idea of founding an international association to strengthen relations between nuclear lawyers, facilitate information exchange, promote cooperation. A serious institution 😉

Nice to get a message that starts like this:

I am happy to inform you that your application has now been approved by the Board of Management. I welcome your admission and I hope that your participation to our activities will bring you satisfaction.

We asked the lucky applicant to comment, so in the heat of the moment, how was it?
“Well it wasn’t easy. But we made it!”
And that’s it – humble as we are! Maciej, congratulations!


We are at the conference of the Nuclear Energy Committee of the SEP

It’s time to open the season for science conferences! There will be two this month. Dr Przemek Żydak is going to both! And he will be speaking at both. The first, to be held on 21 November, has been organised by the SEP Nuclear Energy Committee.

The great return of nuclear power is the title of a scientific and technical conference organised by the SEP Nuclear Power Committee. Four papers are scheduled:

  1. Emissions of radioactive substances during operation of a nuclear power plant – limits, levels, control systems – presented by Prof. Krzysztof KOZAK, PhD, of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
  2. Nuclear power problems and how to eliminate them – presented by Prof. Konrad ŚWIRSKI, D.Sc. from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Power Engineering and Aeronautics, Warsaw University of Technology,
  3. Location issues of nuclear power plants in the aspect of large power units and SMRs – presented by Przemysław ŻYDAK, Ph.D., from Sotis Advisors
  4. The Nuscale reactor project in the light of the general opinion of the President of the State Atomic Energy Agency – will be presented by Dr Piotr MAZGAJ, Eng. from the Department of Nuclear Energy, KGHM Polska Miedź SA.

Each paper will last approximately 45 minutes. The event starts at 5 p.m. Admission is free.

photo: The KEJ SEP conference will be held in the old boiler house of the Warsaw University of Technology / Wikipedia

New to the Sotis Advisors team

We are happy to announce that Maciej Lemiesz has joined our team. A man with a lot of knowledge, not only legal knowledge, and an even greater sense of humour! He fits us perfectly!

Maciej Lemiesz about himself:
“I am compatible with the management of Sotis Advisors. In height, I equal Przemek when I stand and Anita when I sit. I’ll keep you warm in winter and give you shade in summer.”

How lucky we are to have Maciej join us! We value Maciej’s sense of humour, we also shadow Maciej for his experience and knowledge. Because Sotis Advisors’ new man is a lawyer by training, with experience in nuclear supervision. He supports us with projects related to the licensing of nuclear facilities and explaining the intricacies of nuclear power regulation in Poland.

Hi, Maciej!