
Audit, Terminal 3 Baltic Hub and Mr Jan’s book collection

What does the construction of Terminal 3 of the Baltic Hub and Mr Jan, who runs a community library in the Stogi district of Gdansk, have in common? An audit!

An audit is not just about checking documentation, it is also about working on the ground. As part of the audit of the construction of Terminal 3 Baltic Hub, we spoke to Mr Jan, a social activist who runs a community library in the Stogi district of Gdansk. He has donated his collection to it. It’s over 30,000 volumes! When it turned out that children needed not only books, but also help with their studies, Mr Jan organised classes: maths, programming, language and art. The library has 500 square metres at its disposal. Access to the book collection is free, the atmosphere is friendly and intimate, and it’s hardly surprising that the kids like being there.

We also spoke to the ladies working on the terminal site. – There aren’t many of them, so it’s all the more reason to check that they have the right working conditions, such as separate changing rooms, as required by the EBRD, says Anita Kuliś.

Terminal 3 of the Baltic Hub is being built, but it also actively supports the local community with interesting projects in various fields: from the purchase of a car for the children’s hospice, to the inventory and valorisation of natural resources, to the retrofitting of classrooms in schools and the social welfare home.

Photo: The community library run by Mr Jan

Symposium in Lodz: from the Żarnowiec to SMRs

‘Radiation safety in nuclear power’ was the title of the symposium we attended. We sat in the audience and spoke on stage. At the end of November, we were in Łódź.

The aim of the symposium was to popularise knowledge about nuclear power and radiation safety. It was organised by the National Centre for Radiological Protection in Health Care. Dr Przemysław Żydak gave a lecture on ‘Nuclear power – from Żarnowiec to SMRs’ at the Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science of the University of Łódź.

In addition to our paper, the symposium participants could listen to lectures prepared by other specialists. It was interesting, inspiring, informative… The words ‘energy’ and ‘nuclear’ were used in all cases. That was the point!

Speaking at a symposium in Łódź

The National Centre for Radiation Protection in Health Care is organising a symposium on ‘Radiation Safety in Nuclear Power’ in Łódź. And we will be there. We will be speaking!

The one-day symposium popularising knowledge about nuclear power and radiation safety will be held on 29 November 2023 at the Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, University of Łódź. Dr Przemysław Żydak will give a lecture on ‘Nuclear power – from Żarnowiec to SMRs’.

In addition to our paper, symposium participants will be able to listen to lectures prepared by specialists from the State Atomic Energy Agency, the University of Łódź, the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology: on the future of nuclear power, emissions of radioactive substances during operation of nuclear power plants, health effects of absorbing low (small) doses of ionising radiation.

The presentations will be of a scientific and educational nature and have been prepared for an audience interested in the prospects for nuclear power development in Poland. The organisers invite lecturers, students, academics, teachers, secondary school seniors and all those interested in the topics discussed. The event is open, admission is free.