Our Portfolio

Green City Action Plan / photo: pexels.com

Cooperation with ZUOP

Once again we have advised the Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility (ZUOP). We started our cooperation with environmental issues, this time dealing with the new surface radioactive waste repository.


Site audit for nuclear power plants in Poland

As part of our work, we verified the presence of fundamental flaws, i.e. the factors listed in paragraph five of the location regulation, on the basis of publicly available data. We also verified the risk of environmental and water impact problems.


Analysis for investment banks

We participated in the development of the environmental and social Due Diligence, including the GET (Green Economy Transition) analysis, i.e., analysis of the project’s compliance with environmental requirements. The documents were developed in accordance with the standards and policies of investment banks: the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Basing on documents prepared by us, these banks became financially involved in the implementation extension of tram network in Krakow and construction of a tram line to Mistrzejowice.


The first GCAP (Green City Action Plan) in Poland

We participated in developing the first GCAP document in Poland, which was adopted by the Wałbrzych City Council in mid-December 2022. As part of over a year and a half of work with Arup experts and in cooperation with the EBRD and the City of Wałbrzych, we have prepared Technical Assessment Report (TAR) containing, among others: database of project indicators, analysis of the city’s condition in terms of the environment, air emissions, water quality, transport, energy and buildings, Smart Maturity Assessment (SMA), and Gender Report.



Negotiations of an intergovernmental agreement

On the last day of September 2022, The General Director for Environmental Protection upheld the decision on environmental conditions regarding further mining of the Turów lignite deposit. In the process of obtaining the decision on environmental conditions and the decision of GDOŚ, the investor was represented by Anita Kuliś, who has been supporting the project since mid-2018, coordinating the implementation of the documents, such as the environmental impact report, and changes to the local area development plan. Anita actively participated in meetings with administrative authorities, in hearings open to the public, as well as cross-border consultations with the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany pursuant to Art. 5 of the Espoo Convention. As the only external expert, she worked together with the government and investor teams. She also participated in the negotiations of the intergovernmental agreement between the Czech Republic and the Republic of Poland and the agreement between the investor and the Ministry of State Assets.

Workshops on preparing documentation

In September 2022, Anita Kuliś co-conducted workshops for the teams of Polska Grupa Górnicza, Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa and Tauron on preparing documentation for the environmental impact assessment procedure. Workshops organized by the Mining Chamber of Industry and Commerce took place in Wisła and were devoted to specific problems faced by investors. They were also attended by representatives of the Central Mining Institute – Research Institute, who are preparing documents for these investors.

Strategy for 2022-2030 for the capital group

We participated in the development of the Strategy for 2022-2030 for Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa SA. Works performed by our team include:
– analysis of the challenges facing the JSW Capital Group in the perspective to 2030 and 2050 resulting from changes in the regulatory and legal environment, including issues related to the principle of climate neutrality, ultimately resulting in a departure from energy coal and coking coal
– analysis of possible sources of revenue diversification for the JSW Capital Group, e.g. by entering the segment of renewable energy sources and other technologies
co-development of the Environmental Strategy for JSW SA as an integral part of the entire strategy for the capital group.


Technical Assessment Report (TAR)

We have prepared a Technical Assessment Report (TAR) for the Green City Action Plan (GCAP) in accordance with the requirements of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The report was made for a city with a population of over 1 million (confidential data).

Evaluation of documents - nuclear power plant construction project

From October 2019 to February 2021, Anita Kuliś assessed documents prepared for the purpose of characterizing the location for constructing a nuclear power plant with the capacity of over 3,000 MW in Asia. During this time, she analysed a number of documents regarding the assessment of environment, including the marine environment, in terms of the requirements of the EU, investment banks and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); project information card and selected chapters of the environmental impact report (confidential data).

A tram line to Mistrzejowice/photo: press service

Cooling towers/photo: pexels.com