We have just signed, as the first in Poland, a contract to make an LRP and our next LRF. What is it?
LRP and LRF are two documents required by banks, such as the EBRD, and large international financial institutions that need them to grant financing for investment projects. The LRF is the Livelihood Restoration Framework and the LRP is the Livelihood Restoration Plan/Programme.
We are also tasked with reviewing the Stakeholder Engagement Plan. The projects relate to offshore wind energy and, despite their short timeframes, we make every effort to ensure that they are of full value to the client and enable them to obtain loans for their operations.

Last week we went on a vision trip to the seaside! These are the charms of working in SA. Together with Anita KuliĆ and Klaudia Drosio from Sotis Advisors, Katarzyna Auffret-Twardowska and the Multiconsult team went. It was not without adventures. We wanted to check where the power cables from the offshore windmills would come ashore. The problem is that you can only get there via the beach. And that took up the task? Our Klaudia! She didn’t just go, she ran! Almost 9 km. Brave!